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Thursday, March 12, 2015


Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs

Mark Biltz

> Paperback

price: $11.74
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From the beginning, in Genesis ... God declared He specifically created the sun and the moon to be used for signs. These heavenly bodies would be used as signals of coming dramatic historical events when the Creator of the universe would intersect with human history. But how do we unlock the code to interpret the signals? The key is found in the riveting new book, Blood Moons by Pastor Mark Biltz. In 2007 Pastor Biltz first discovered the correlation between when blood moons fell on feast days and key historical world events.

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........> prophetic.....> alien & angels.....> mystery.....> antichrist

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Find out why many believers live in many frustration and defeat. They experience unexplained attacks on their personal life or the lives of their family... read more